Needed Affiliate Link + Promo Code
I cannot tell you how many clients I have had who feel awful during their pregnancy and when they try to talk to their provider about it, their provider simply says, “Well that’s just pregnancy!”
While this could be part of a much longer conversation about choosing a better provider and the lack of nutrition education in our western medical care (!!), I want to take this space to focus on a company who is doing things right. Because as your doula, I want to encourage you to not settle with just feeling “crappy” and to remind you that you have tools! Options! Help!
Many of my clients who switch to Needed’s prenatals talk about their pregnancy symptoms becoming much more manageable – depression, fatigue, not feeling themselves, feeling constantly under the weather (similar to a hangover), weak, etc.
I also take their supplements myself as my husband and I start to enter our TTC journey! I see a functional medicine provider who has praised my bloodwork since I started with Needed and I’m sure that’s no coincidence. If you want to give them a try, I’d love if you shopped through my affiliate link to the left.
Plug in discount code DAVIDOULA for 20% off the first month of a new subscription!